Metaspec manufactures test specimens used in testing by military specification MIL-PRF-25134, which covers a solvent-type paint and lacquer remover used on aircraft and other metal surfaces.
The following is a list of tests in Military Specification MIL-PRF-25134 that require test specimens. Click on the test method number for more information about specimens required for each test.
MIL-PRF-25134 §4.6 Test Panels MIL-PRF-25134 §4.7.2 Consistency & Flow MIL-PRF-25134 §4.7.5 Removal Power MIL-PRF-25134 §4.7.6 Rinsibility MIL-PRF-25134 §4.7.7 Coating Residue
MIL-PRF-25134 §4.7.10 Hydrogen Embrittlement Test (see ASTM F519)
To read or download this specification, click below.