Metaspec manufactures test specimens used in lubricants testing by military specification MIL-PRF-9000. This military specification covers two grades (SAE 40 and SAE 15W40) of lubricating oil used in advanced design high-output shipboard main propulsion and auxiliary diesel engines using fuel conforming to MIL-DTL-16884 and MIL-DTL-5624. The SAE 40 Grade product is identified by Military Symbol 9250 and NATO Code No. 0-278. There is no Military Symbol or NATO Code No. for the SAE 15W40 Grade product.
The following test is required by Specification MIL-PRF-9000. Click on the test method number for more information about the specimens required for this test.
To read or download this specification, click below. This specification supersedes military specification MIL-L-9000.